OS Operations Team - General Application

Remote - Part-Time

This document serves as a general application for joining the Operations Team of the Manifold Research Group. If you’re eager to support impactful research through essential operational tasks and thrive in a proactive, collaborative environment, we invite you to apply and see how you can make a significant difference with us.

OS Operations Team Expectations

The Manifold Research Group operates in a different way, trying to combine elements of both traditional, focused research labs and larger, distributed research communities. 

The Operations team at Manifold plays an essential role. It diligently addresses the substantial operational tasks needed to support both our close-knit core team and the broader community.

Without a smooth operational framework, Manifold would lack resources, personnel, and the open source contributions vital to its survival and growth. In short, without operations, there wouldn't be an organization to speak of.

For example, one of the projects the Operations Team works on is a research log, a regular publication which will highlight the progress Manifold is making on its various projects. This research log will be our primary way of letting the larger world know what we’re up to!

We also host community events, facilitate partnerships and collaborations, and improve all externally facing materials.

So, if you're looking to be a part of a team that indirectly but significantly boosts research through its efforts, then our Operations team is the perfect fit. The work here has an influence that is far-reaching. Join us, and be part of the team that makes a substantial difference, and enhances the effectiveness of Manifold as an organization!

We’re learning as we go along, but some basic expectations & values for operations team members are as follows:

  • Contributing ~5 hrs/week

Operations work will involve regular activity in the form of increasing engagement through events, outreach, community moderation, creating content, modifying and improving public facing information, collecting and organizing leads on resources and partnerships, etc. 

  • Being super proactive

In everything we do, being proactive is key. We work in a largely asynchronous format, so communicating and collaborating early and proactively is necessary to make sure everyone is doing great, fulfilling work and gives us the best shot at building something seriously awesome.

This also applies to times where you can’t contribute meaningfully - life comes in the way, and that is totally okay! Do your best to let the team know any issues/blockers you’re running into, so we can all shift to help/take over. We’re here because we want to work together to build the future!

  • Show up on time to operations meetings

It’s important to respect each other and the formidable work we’re all doing together.

These meetings will be 1 hour long, once per week.

In case of an emergency or conflict, please inform the team

Please also send an async update so the team can move forward. 

  • Stay on top of async updates

Dropping these can quickly become a nasty habit, and they are necessary for the team to know what has been done and what has not. If the team is on top of async updates regarding their progress and plans, time can be saved during the meetings as well.

  • Commit to what you’re confident you can do

That way resources can be allocated accordingly

  • Conversely, only do what you’ve committed to

No need to burn out, good community building is a marathon!

Overview of the Application Process:

  1. We receive your application and review your information.
  2. We’ll reach out to you to set up a call within 2 weeks. During this call, typically ~30 minutes, we’ll talk about the OS Operations Team, the current active projects, and Manifold as a whole. We'll also talk about your interests and experience.
  3. After the call, we’ll review our notes and see if there is a good fit. If we mutually believe there is a good fit, we will proceed with the onboarding process and get you set up to start attending team meetings!
  4. There’s no need to prepare or study anything prior to attending your first meeting.
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