
Community Research Call #01

In: past-events

In CRC #1, we covered:

1. Our Generalist Multimodality Research Direction, including Projects like NEKO and MultiNet

2. Our Agentic Systems Research Direction

3. New Projects being Launched

4. Time for QA and More ways to get involved

What is Manifold?

Manifold is a new kind of Open Source Research Lab & Network focused on building next generation intelligence capabilities and other high leverage science / technology breakthroughs. 

What exactly are Community Research Calls?

Community Research Calls (CRCs) are meant to be regular, interactive updates/showcases where the broader community can see what we’re up to, ask questions, and generally get involved in our projects. These calls will serve to overview the various research projects we’ve been focused on over the past few months, and provide a space to ask questions and get involved for those not already doing so.

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